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Donate to our UK Charity

When you donate here, you are giving to the UK charity and supporting our work in the United Kingdom.


If you want to donate directly from your bank, please use the following information: 


  • Account Name: Elizabeth's Smile UK Foundation Limited

  • Account Number: 55786462

  • Sort Code: 309664

  • Bank: Lloyd's Bank




Boost your donation by 25% through Gift Aid.  If you are a current UK taxpayer, it won’t cost you a penny and by signing up, for every £1 you donate, 25p is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.


To claim GIft Aid, you must check the box below. If you do not wish to claim Gift Aid, simply complete the form below. 


Complete the form below and click "donate" to add your card information

Continue completing your form

Choose your Impact

Every donation to Elizabeth's Smile has an impact, from $50 to $500,000. Consider how your investment can send a message to a grieving child that they are not alone. 

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